The Help, Hilly’s House For Sale

413 Grand Blvd, Greenwood, MS 38930

  • 4 Bedroom/ 3.5 Bath
  • 5300 Sq Ft
  • .92 Acre
  • Circa 1910
  • $380,000

Hilly’s House from The Help is for sale in Greenwood, MS

Grand 2 story, 3 bay brick Neo-Georgian Prairie style home on historic Grand Boulevard, features a hipped roof and bracketed overhanging eaves. The home has an elegant formal living room, gorgeous formal dining room, breakfast room overlooking pool, study, 3 fireplaces, large sunroom, wonderful kitchen and mud room, large corner lot, gunite swimming pool and an adorable pool house apartment with open living area full bath, kitchen, loft, and utility room. This home is perfect for entertaining. Featured in the movie, The Help.

413 Grand Blvd. Greenwood, MS is a popular listing on Air BnB

The home is available for rent on the popular Air B n B site. You can find the listing HERE

413 Grand Blvd, Greenwood, MS 38930 hillys house the help pool

Experience the Past

Grand home in Greenwood, MS sure has a history. This home was featured in the movie, The Help, and was used for Hilly Holbrook’s home. This property has also been available on the popular Air BnB site for rentals.

413 Grand Blvd, Greenwood, MS 38930 hillys house the help dining room


413 Grand Blvd, Greenwood, MS 38930 hillys house the help breakfast room

413 Grand Blvd, Greenwood, MS 38930

Click the link or the photo to view the listing for more details or additional photographs. Contact information is provided to inquire with an agent for a showing or questions.

413 Grand Blvd, Greenwood, MS 38930

Presented By: Pam Powers-Powers Property

For more information or to schedule a showing, contact your real estate professional. All information provided is deemed public record. We recommend independent verification of details listed herein. Although OHA are Licensed Realtors®, we are not under a Brokerage in the state of this listing and do not represent this home.

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