Grand Fixer Upper in Chester, IL

246 young ave chester IL

246 Young Ave, Chester, IL 62233

  • 4 Bedroom/ 1.5 Bath
  • 3600 Sq Ft
  • .32 Acre
  • Circa 1904
  • $159,900

Beautiful Features in this grand fixer upper in Illinois.

Oh, how glorious this magnificent home must have been in 1904. As you enter the home, you are immediately met with the exquisite two-story grand staircase, and you just want to stop and listen. If this house could talk, what tales of life it would tell. It’s going to take a special lover of grand old historic homes to make this feel new again. But it will be so worth it. Priced knowing that it will need some major components updated. Serious buyers and the seller is negotiable. Come love this house as they did. Wait until you see the huge attic…pristine wood above and on floor.

Home has pocket doors, partial unfinished basement and a walk up attic. Home also has high ceilings and a beautiful staircase with a landing with big windows.

246 Young Ave chester, il staircase

Experience the Past

Beautiful and grand home with many original features including the staircase and hardwood floors.

246 young ave chester il pantry


246 Young Ave, Chester, IL 62233

Click the link or the photo to view the listing for more details or additional photographs. Contact information is provided to inquire with an agent for a showing or questions.

246 Young Ave, Chester, IL 62233

Presented By: Robin Bert-Worth Clark Realty-Southwest Illinois

For more information or to schedule a showing, contact your real estate professional. All information provided is deemed public record. We recommend independent verification of details listed herein. Although OHA are Licensed Realtors®, we are not under a Brokerage in the state of this listing and do not represent this home.

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