Historic Gem Moreland Georgia

2876 Gordon Rd, Moreland, GA 30259

  • 5 Bedrooms/5 Baths
  • 3430 Sq Ft
  • 5.56 Acres
  • Circa 1850
  • $425,000

Welcome to this historic Masterpiece at 2876 Gordon Road in Moreland, GA. Make it your own!!! Would you like an opportunity to bring an old and charming home into the modern world. This timeless, finely crafted architectural beauty, with its own character-identifying features, will grab your attention. Sitting picturesquely on 5 1/2 acres in a highly sought-after area. Built in the 1850’s with a grand, gracious foyer extending from the front to the back.

The home features 5 bedrooms, 5 baths, soaring ceilings and original shiplap throughout. The bedrooms are framed out and have rough plumbing and electrical. The home has been vacant for years, and it shows. It is timeworn and needs restoration, but focus is given to preserve the more adaptable elements, such as the high-quality woodwork/flooring, and maintain the uniqueness in the home.

More information and additional pictures can be found HERE

Presented By: Judy Kersten

Some photos are courtesy of Anne Taylor Photography

2876 Gordon Road, Moreland, GA 30259

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